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The Glacier Express from Zermatt to St Moritz, Switzerland

October 13 2014

I was up at 7:15 am for the 8:52am train on the world-famous panoramic Glacier Express train from Zermatt to St Moritz.

After a quick breakfast I left my hotel by at 8:25am.

The hotel could not print my train ticket so I would either have to look for an internet café or ask at the train station.

Morning in Zermatt outside Bahnhaus
My first priority: stop to buy a magnet of Zermatt and get some snacks. The office at the train station printed my ticket without any fuss.

St Moritz tour info desk at train station

I boarded the train by 8:47am.

Glacier Express to St Moritz Switzerland

The carriage was quite empty with many free seats.

IInside Glacier Express to St Moritz Switzerland

I’m pretty sure the ride in the Glacier Express can be amazingly beautiful… It’s not so great in wet weather.

zaid in Glacier Express to St Moritz Switzerland

We made short stops at Brig, Feische and Oberwals. They offer a selection of meals on board but I didn’t reserve any.

Main meal menu Glacier Express to St Moritz Switzerland

The train made a stop at Disentis for 30 minutes where we were allowed to get off.

Disentis town Switzerland

However, since there was heavy rainy I could not get very far.

Disentus town signpost switzerland

I did buy some chocolate milk at a vending machine at the train station before re-boarding

Glacier Express to St Moritz Switzerland zaid outside

We made another 20 minute stop in Chur but nobody got out.

Near Tieffelcastel I saw the famous Landwasser Viaduct.

Landwasser Viaduct on Glacier Express to St Moritz Switzerland on rainy day

Here’s a short video compilation of the trip which includes part of the Landwasser Viaduct crossing.

To be honest the “world’s slowest fast-train with amazing views” felt like the world’s most boring and tiresome fast train for me in that wet weather.

Waterfall outside Glacier Express to St Moritz Switzerland on rainy day

The windows cannot open for you to take pictures of the scenery around you and I really disliked the bright fluorescent lights. It leaves a glare on the windows which makes taking clear pictures even more difficult.

window reflection glacier express

I was glad to finally reach St Moritz 8 hours later at 16:55; the city that hosted the original Winter Olympics in 1864.

St Moritz 150 yrs

About Zaid

Zaid is an intrepid traveler from South Africa that has traveled to all 7 continents. He loves to explore new destinations, experience new activities and go off the beaten path.
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